Plastic Policy
soak is committed to reducing plastic usage and waste.
The coastlines and river way where we operate are a vibrant, living and breathing ecosystem and between our centres you can experience all sorts of wildlife such as fish, crabs, starfish, jellyfish, coastal birds, seals, dolphins, porpoises and even basking sharks! But sadly we’re now also hosting plastic bottles, crisp packets, fishing wires and an infinite number of other unidentifiable bits of plastic. As well as making our environments look a whole lot less scenic, this plastic is totally non-biodegradable and is sticking around a whole lot longer than we will be! That means it’s sinking to the sea floor and either animals get tangled in it, or it becomes very unhealthy snacks, which can of course lead to their eventual death… NOT GOOD!
In response, we are on a mission to reduce or illuminate all single use plastics from our business, this is managed & maintained through the supply chain, product selection and guaranteeing that we only sell our goods in bio degradable materials
As we learn more about the impact we have as a business, our policy will evolve.
Current policy and commitments:
- Elimination of all single use plastic bottles and takeaway cups from Soak
- Invest in larger canteens to transport water on longer trips, to eliminate the need for large plastic bottles of water.
- Invest in club Tupperware to be used on trips, in case that club members do not have their own.
- Replace plastic pens with pencils and refillable pens where needed.
- Work with suppliers to eliminate plastic from the supply chain. Make order notes to receive products without packaging.
- Provide recycling facilities at Soak for when necessary
- Spread awareness and educate tourists about the need and importance of the plastic-free movement.
- Organise regular beach/ocean/river cleans as part of Soaks activity roster
Business Responsibilities.
- Enforce plastic-free principles by ensuring all staff understand the policy, and are confident to explain these to all club members and customers.
- Make plastic-free policy into a visible, engaging poster that all visitors to Soak are able to read and ask questions about.
- Use social media presence to help spread positive, educational messages to update and inspire all followers.
Staff and Customer Responsibilities
- No single-use plastic bottles or take away coffee cups to be brought into the premises. Reusable water bottles and cups may be used.
- When events such as BBQs require customers and staff to bring food and drink, where possible this should be decanted into Tupperware/reusable bottles, and plastic waste recycled at home. When this has not been the case, the in-store recycling facilities should be used.
- For longer/overnight paddling trips, club members could arrange to share food and water in Tupperware boxes to save on space and waste. Ideally no plastic waste would be taken on the trip, to eliminate risk of leaving any refuse at camping/picnic spots.
More information.
If you’d like to know more about Soak’s commitment to the environment, please read our Environmental Policy, or contact us. If you’re interested in learning more about the plastic-free initiative please visit, Surfers Against Sewage, Falmouth Marine Conservation, ReFill, Plastic Patrol and The Last Straw.
Environmental Policy
Soak does not consider its location on the Torbay coastline as something to take lightly. We are deeply invested in ensuring that we maintain strong positive environmental attitudes throughout our business development. This will be actioned by identifying key areas for improvement and developing appropriate plans in response.
The Business
Soak will monitor and manage its use and consumption of energy. This can be done via limited use of lights in daylight hours, dimmer switches fitted, use of energy saving light bulbs, all lights and electronic devices turned off when not in use.
Soak will endeavour to use water wisely and not waste water unnecessarily. Actions such as filling a bucket of water to clean wetsuits instead of running the hose and re-using water where possible will eliminate waste.
Soak conducts most of its activities from Soak Abbey sands beach therefore transport is not a major concern for the environmental policy. However, the staff are encouraged to walk/cycle to work, and where cars are unavoidable, lift sharing is practised.
Stationary and Supplies.
Soak has committed to reducing plastic in its stationary and supplies. A digital check-in system will replace paper indemnity forms and plastic pens, wooden hangers replace plastic, and pencils and refillable pens will be used where needed. More on this can be found in the Soak Plastic Free Policy.
Improve Recycling/Minimise Waste.
Soak has recycling bins in the shop, which will be well labelled and easily identifiable. These are to be used by all staff and visitors to Soak Waste will be minimised by educating staff and customers to reduce their individual waste. More on this can be found in the Soak Plastic Free Policy.
Dealing with Like-Minded Companies
Soak will work with local charities and foundations to constantly improve its environmental policies. We also cooperate on projects such as beach cleans and education programs.
The Staff
Ownership of the environmental policy by Soak employees is a very important staff responsibility. We educate staff on our role in protecting the environment that we live and work in with the hope that they can propagate this mentality throughout all customers they interact with. Staff should feel glad to take on this responsibility, and not just obliged.
The People
Soak will work hard to share messages about protecting the environment through its social media presence. Visitors can be incentivised to do beach/ocean cleans through competitions and encouragement from the staff.
This policy is authorised and agreed to by Sean White, the business owner and will be revisited in 6 months’ time to ensure that progress is being made.